Who We Help


What Does FRETZIN Do?

Think about all the things they never taught you in Law School about the business of law. We take lawyers who are new to client development and those who may have developed serious books and make them much much better.

We do this in two unique and distinctive ways.

First, we offer an MBA-style coaching and training program that enables attorneys to internalize best practices on client development that has been proven effective for over 16 years.

Second, we take highly successful business developers and place them in one of our many peer-advisory roundtables. Imagine getting off of your island and stepping into a Zoom room filled with talented leaders who are hungry to learn and share client and law firm growth best practices.

What Makes A Great Candidate For Being Coached?

I’ve had the great pleasure of coaching hundreds of attorneys and law firms over the past 20 years. Some of these lawyers go on to become their firm’s number one originator, while others utilize their education with FRETZIN to take control over their careers in law. What’s the difference between success and failure as it relates to rainmaking at a law firm? In my experience, it comes down to three core values and drivers.

First, attorneys MUST be interested and motivated to grow their book of business. Without this hunger, no one will learn and execute the lawyer coaching skills and methodologies that will produce results.

Second, attorneys MUST be willing and able to invest their time to learning and executing on what their lawyer coach is teaching and coaching them to do. There is a sacrifice involved in becoming great at anything worthwhile, and lawyers must push their preverbal chips into the middle of the table to be successful at rainmaking. The good news is that once learned, these lawyers will have the best opportunity for control, balance, and wealth than any others at the law firm.

Lastly, attorneys MUST be open-minded and thoughtful in learning new ideas and ways of approaching legal business development. Anything new can be scary and uncomfortable. Attorneys need to be adaptable to new ways of approaching social media, networking, client generation, and client retention.

Without these core tenets, lawyers rarely realize their full potential as a rainmaking attorney.

Law Firms

One of the best investments law firms can make in their people is to offer a lawyer coaching option to their brightest and most ambitious attorneys. While group coaching might seem like a great idea at first, the reality is that investing tens of thousands of dollars in attorneys who aren’t interested or willing to invest their time can be a huge waste of money, time, and resources. On the other hand, business development coaching for lawyers who are motivated to grow their law practices can be dollar for dollar, the best investment a law firm can make in its future.

The current struggle many law firms have is when the older rainmakers have all the business and clients under their origination. In the past, these rainmakers would share credit with the lawyers who would eventually take over their clients upon retirement or death. In today’s employment environment, the current origination would go to the firm and the lawyers would just continue to get billing credit to work on these matters. This leaves a gap in who is developing new channels of business for the future of the firm. At FRETZIN we love when law firms share the investment in lawyer coaching with the lawyers, they feel have the best chance of growing legal business at the firm. This way both parties have skin in the game and it’s a shared effort to build revenue together.

Enrolling a few of your preeminent and most determined lawyers in the FRETZIN program will benefit the entire firm in a variety of ways. First, you are demonstrating your commitment to the future of your rising stars by investing in their future and your own. Second, you are creating greater balance as it relates to who is bringing in the work and how that work is being shared amongst the lawyers. Lastly, you are saving a tremendous amount of money, energy, and billable time by NOT engaging a law firm coaching company to work with a larger group of lawyers. If you need something for everyone, FRETZIN is happy to provide a few inexpensive webinars to appease the masses.

Managing Partner

For Managing Partners who are already successful legal business developers and marketers, our Rainmakers Roundtables are ideal. Joining a roundtable means that you get off your preverbal island and begin collaborating with other successful and like-minded law firm leaders.

If you are a Managing Partner who is looking to lead by example, FRETZIN offers a coaching and training program for you to learn legal business development best practices. In addition to being an amazing rainmaker at your firm, many of our program graduates go on to teach and coach their lawyers on the FRETZIN methodologies and systems that made them so successful.

Equity Partners

For Equity Partners who are already successful marketers and are looking to continue their journey up the ranks, our Rainmaker Roundtables are an excellent way to collaborate with other successful attorneys, while also obtaining feedback and ideas for improvement from your peers.

If you made equity partner without having to generate business for your law firm and it’s really time, FRETZIN offers an MBA-style program that is second to none. We combine coaching, training, and advising to ensure that our lawyers become future leaders at their respective law firms.

FRETZIN offers a few programs to best suit the attorneys we train, coach, and advise.


FRETZIN is a highly successful coaching law firm Partners who are ready to get off of the hamster wheel of work and begin creating business for everyone around them. We offer a one-of-a-kind internal program with attorneys from all over the country. FRETZIN clients are all highly motivated to take control of their time and careers by building their own book of business.

If control, freedom, balance, and wealth are what you are looking to achieve, FRETZIN has the program for you.

Sr. Associates

How do Sr. Associates make partners faster than their peers? They develop business versus just working on client matters. While your law firm might be insisting that you crank out billable hours, you may want to know that this is not a recipe for long-term success as a lawyer. To flourish in the legal space today you must begin learning the soft skills of thought leadership, social media marketing, networking, and legal business development. These are the same skills they never taught you in law school.

At FRETZIN we teach, coach, and advise our clients on all of the proficiencies and behaviors to be a successful rainmaker for the rest of their long careers. If you get started as an associate with these skills now, you will be way ahead of your partners before you know it.

How Can a Coach Help My Law Firm?

While it might be nice for us to tell you why we are so successful working with lawyers, isn’t it better to hear it from them? Here are what our successful clients are saying about their experiences, successes, and ROI working with FRETZIN.



By implementing his processes and methodology I was able to get the time I was “wasting” on “networking” back for myself while almost immediately seeing an increase in revenue. 11 out of 10!



Working with Steve has been one of the best investments I’ve made in my career. His communication methods are adaptable to any practice area and any individual style. The results have far exceeded my own expectations.



Steve was able to “demystify” and transform my entire approach to business development while achieving tangible results almost instantaneously.

How Do I Know if a Coach is Right for My Law Firm?

There are numerous benefits to selecting FRETZIN as your legal consultant, including:

  • Coaching experience with lawyers from all practice areas.
  • We combine legal tutoring and lawyer skill development.
  • You’re actually working with Steve Fretzin when you use FRETZIN; he’s a four-time author, the host of the BE THAT LAWYER podcast, and a renowned legal coach.
  • We do not instruct in sales! Our methods are entirely relationship-based, warm, and easy-to-implement business development strategies.

It’s crucial to remember that not every coach is made equal. While some are generalists, others are industry specialists. Would you turn to a general litigator if you needed a patent litigator? not at the moment. FRETZIN has been helping lawyers expand their law firms for more than ten years. We know YOUR practice and how to get you in front of these decision-makers in less time and with less work, whether your targets are general counsels, business owners, or random consumers.

Perhaps I’m sharing too much, but at FRETZIN, we truly GET lawyers. We recognize that you may put company growth at the bottom of your “to-do” list due to billable hour pressures, time management challenges, and other obstacles.

It is not simple to do what you do while still finding time for leisure activities like family time and self-care. While not having therapists on staff, FRETZIN does sympathize with you and strives to make you the best lawyer and company development you can be.